GIS’s excellent database

Update, late 2017: Looks like’s database hasn’t been updated since late 2015. The download link is still active, though. provides a crowdsourced postal code geocoder under the ODbL. You can download the database as CSV directly. Here’s a bash script to convert that text file into a (very large) point shapefile:

# - convert CSV to a shape file
# NB: input CSV is UTF-8; it is passed through unchanged
# Needs >= v1.7 of GDAL
# scruss - 2012/04/15

if [ ! -f Canada.csv.gz ]
    echo ""
    echo " " Download \"Canada.csv.gz\" into the current directory from
    echo "  "
    echo " " and try again.
    echo ""
    exit 1

# make input file with header
echo PostalCode,Latitude,Longitude,City,Province > Canada2.csv
gunzip -c Canada.csv.gz >> Canada2.csv

# create GDAL VRT file
cat > Canada2.vrt <<EOF
  <!-- note that OGRVRTLayer name must be basename of source file -->
  <OGRVRTLayer name="Canada2">
    <GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="Longitude" y="Latitude"/>
    <Field name="PostalCode" type="String" width="6" />
    <Field name="Latitude" type="Real" />
    <Field name="Longitude" type="Real" />
    <Field name="City" type="String" width="60" />
    <Field name="Province" type="String" width="2" />

# create shapefile
ogr2ogr PostalCodes.shp Canada2.vrt

# clean up
rm -f Canada2.csv	Canada2.vrt

Though the script is a bit Unix-centric, it’s just a simple list of instructions which could be run on any command line. What it does is add some headers to the file, then sets up an OGR Virtual Format to convert the text into a fairly well-defined shapefile. When you use this shapefile, you should credit as the ODbL requires.

Eek! has been sued by Canada Post! (News responses: Michael Geist, Boing Boing, CBC) I’ve donated to defend this useful service.


fixing garmin file dates

While the Garmin GPSMap 60csx is a lovely unit, it saves its tracks on the card with a date just slightly younger than I am. The following Unix one-liner will correct the file dates to the actual dates the data were collected:

for f in 20??????.gpx; do touch -t ${f%.gpx}2359.59 $f; done

I remember having a really awesome reason for making the time for each file 23:59:59, but I’ve completely forgotten what it was. Since all I remember was the awesomeness, I see no reason to change it …

Update 2013-09-25: changed the call to basename with a Bash internal string function.