ClickFu is dead in QGIS 3. Please try to forget how useful it was. nextgis / clickfu appears to be an updated version, but it has old QT dependencies and no longer works either.
Since QGIS 1.8 took the rather boneheaded move of hiding all the plugin sources except the official one, here’s how to get the other repositories back:
Consult the External Author Repositories listIn QGIS, go to Plugins -> Fetch Python Plugins …, / Repositories, Add …, then add the name and URL, such as
Now you can add all the plugins!
ClickFu is kind of magic. It allows you to choose an online map service, click anywhere on your GIS viewport, and the correct location link opens in your browser. Very handy for sharing locations with people who don’t have a GIS setup. It properly takes coordinate reference systems into account, too, so no messing about with datum shifts and the like.
Another plugin that hasn’t made it to the official repo is Luiz Motta’s Zip Layers. It still lurks at
Click Fu runs just fun under QGIS 2.2 – as long as you remember to delete any pre-2.0 versions and then reinstall.