Hey! This is really old! The current version of Raspbian has QGIS 2.4 included in the repository. Just install that. It won’t run very fast on single-core Raspberry Pis, though.
- Install Raspbian:
- Download NOOBS
- Follow the NOOBS Setup instructions.
- Update Raspbian from its Debian wheezy base to Debian jessie:
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
# or use your favourite editor- change all references of
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
# this will take a long time, with occasional user promptssudo apt-get dist-upgrade
# this will take a very long time …
- Install qgis:
sudo apt-get install gdal-bin qgis
This will install QGIS 2.2. It’s a bit slow for general use, but it does work …
(modified from my gis.stackexchange answer: linux – GDAL and QGIS Raspberry Pi. Mainly just so I would have a place to put the image.)