
fallout from last night’s OSM 6th birthday Mappy Hour in Toronto

It was fun – there were geo-aware cupcakes!

In a moment of geek worlds colliding, Emma showed up, and now I have people clamouring for tablet at Mappy Hour. Sigh, those old ecommons links just don’t fade …


in which I discover OpenStreetMap editing

While I’ve used OpenStreetMap data before, I’ve never added anything to it. That changed after going to Mappy Hour last night, and meeting Richard Weait. He has a bunch of useful tutorials on his website.


Japanese Map Symbol for a windmill

I’m rather taken with the symbol that Japanese maps use for wind mills and wind turbines. I’ll try to modify it for use in QGis.

Update: so how does this look?

I cleaned up the blade angles, added line end-caps, and made all the white bits transparent. Works fine in QGis.